In this collection I explore such a strange state and property as freedom. I'm trying it on taste by studying the visual language of transmission through various techniques and techniques. I distribute free thought forms in the form of my paintings, liberating the minds of viewers. I free my hand and whole body in order to obtain free art in action and freedom of form in the final work of art. I think freely to create and modulate new free ideas. I study the process: how ideas come and change freely in the process of creation from the first sketch to a large canvas and sometimes through performance to video art.

The Feeling of  Freedom

new art by JeannaDart artist

My new fairy tale. I came up with a new allegory of Freedom. This wooden toy symbolizes infinity and emptiness. The character ascends into space and is resurrected. Halo is music, vinyl and CD. Fractality in our world is generated by mushrooms, and in the snow the kingdom of mushrooms relaxes. Ascension as liberation.



Year: 2024

Size: 160 x 80 x 2 cm.

Weight: 7 kg.

Price: 4800ye.


Durga under the influence of information

I started painting this picture on February 22, 2022, it was art therapy for me so as not to go into psychosis due to the news feed from events transmitted by the information method. It started with abstraction and then I drew a protective angel, who turned into the Goddess Durga , who, according to the plan, should save everyone in her arms. While drawing, I thought about the restoration of peace between people and the absence of war as a phenomenon. In the spring of 2024, I returned to continue working on this canvas. I was inspired to fill the picture with PICTURE Air and meaning in the pursuit of pure unconditional love, without prejudice, FOR a COMPLETE “YES” to everything that  happens , without denial. Now this picture looks like a masterpiece , it literally paints electronic music.


canvas/ oil.

Year: 2023

Size: 150 x 100 cm.

Weight: 7 kg.

Price: 2800ye.


“During Sex” 

In 2024, this great abstract underwent a restoration. The year it was created was 2012. I painted it with my body , rolled and danced , painted on it with the folds and ends of my legs, arms and torso. I applied bright accents with a lot of colors with jumps and muscles of my body. At the end of the performance my ex-husband, Bulgarian-German-Spanish artist Stefan Tsvetanov completed the painting by adding black color and outlining some details.


cotton fabric, acrylic and oil.

Year: 2012

Size: 150 x 130 cm.

Weight: 7 kg.

Price: 2800ye.


“Apparition of Faith and Love”

 The appearance of an angel on a lamb, human astronauts meet a newcomer from another planet. This experience appeared to me as the knowledge that I am all-powerful and all-kind. And in every atom there is Love. Awareness of oneself as a common consciousness and the divine World. A very important understanding for the Freedom of the Spirit an din order to profess the main principles and comply with them, with a PURE UNDERSTANDING of responsibility for what is happening. 

Material: Canvas \ oil

Year: 2024

Size: 100 x 80 x 2 cm.

Weight: 8 kg

Price: 1800ye.\



“The Wind at My Back”

 A documentary psychological self-portrait told in artistic language. We are talking about a special state of the character: when I walk and the wind blows at my back, then during a long walk a huge, super-fast flow of thoughts, images and ideas appears. Narration of the “user's manual” in the form of a picture in which I spread free thought patterns and liberate the mind through positive life-affirming attitudes. 


Material: Canvas \ oil

Year: 2024

Size: 60 x 80 cm. 

Weight 3 kg 

Price: 1300ye.

Self-portrait of the Hermitage cat

🐱 “Self-portrait of the Hermitage cat”

A cat named Hermitage, a hereditary resident of the Winter Palace. In his eyes is Atlanta, in his mouth is the Peter and Paul Fortress.

Canvas, oil

Length: 40cm.

Height: 50cm.

Year: 2024

off sale

Price: ----



 "She puts out the fire”  


Goddess Durga extinguishes the world flame of 2023 on the Blue Planet .

Yes, she urinates from the peaks of Supreme Olympus. 

I started painting this picture to relieve stress from the videos I saw of the events in the Gaza Strip. At that moment I was on the island of Koh Samui in Thailand and the hot climate gave impetus to inspiration for such a picturesque picture. Having painted it in one breath at night, I calmed down and believed in this picture as an icon. 














Oil/wood board Length: 30cm.

Height: 40cm

Weight: 0.5 kg

Year: 2023


       If you have any questions or suggestions, write me a personal message on WhatsApp